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ZEISS Vintage Ultraprime (16, 24, 32, 50, 85, 135mm) T1.9 - S35 (Gecko-Cam Rehousing)

From 252€ / DayEx. Tax & insurance

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The Zeiss Ultra Primes known for their durable design, sharpness and wide range of focal lengths are probably one oft he most famous Primes out there. To widen our range of our Gecko Vintage Series we now offer them in an optically modified state. More Flaring , softer image, warmer colors To follow the need of modern DoP´s using characteristical lenses the redesigning of already existing lenses seemed to be close as there is already existing experience with workflow performance. We´re happy to know offer The Ultra Primes with the same power in resolution but with a special and unique look.


Diameter: 95mm
Mount: PL


16mm: T1.9 / 0,25m / 1,2Kg
24mm: T1.9 / 0,3m / 1Kg
32mm: T1.9 / 0,35m / 1,1Kg
50mm: T1.9 / 0,38m / 1Kg
85mm: T1.9 / 0,6m / 1Kg
135mm: T1.9 / 0,9m / 1,2Kg
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